Written By: Dan Geer

Just as a preface, this list will not include simple dramas, comedies or musicals, but will instead focus on films in the science fiction, fantasy, action and horror genres from the last 40 years.
Many movies go underappreciated for any number of reasons. Sometimes we have favorites that the majority (or very vocal minority) do not seem to appreciate but are actually quite good. Other times films are just not really great per se, but perhaps better than people give them credit for. After all, even an average film can be entertaining and fun on multiple levels.
Whatever the reason, there are many films that are simply underrated or misunderstood, or have even been forgotten that deserve more appreciation that they commonly receive, whether by critics or the general movie-going public. The following list represents Popcorn Monster’s top 10 most underappreciated genre films of the last 40 years (click on the titles for trailers)…
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Posted on Feb 25, 2017 under Editorials, Top 10 Lists |
Written By: Dan Geer

Summertime. For most, it means going to the beach, blasting off fireworks, grilling steaks, etc. But for movie geeks, it means lining up for some of the years most anticipated blockbusters. Who needs fun in the sun and the smell of barbeque and gunpowder in the air when you have the comfort of a cool movie theater with the smell of buttered popcorn to look forward to just about every week? Okay, well, I like all of those things, but seriously this summer is going to be insane. Really don’t think I’ll even make it to all of these. Will you? Check out this year’s list of the Top 10 Movies to See This Summer and find out!
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Posted on Apr 24, 2016 under Top 10 Lists, Trailers |
Written By: Dan Geer

Okay, so Star Wars: Episode VII has broken away from the franchise’s traditional May release time frame, so what else is out there in the meantime that can keep movie geeks at bay until The Force Awakens this December? Oh wait, what did you say? Killer robots from the future? Avenging superheroes? Dinosaurs unleashed in a theme park?! A dude named Max that’s apparently still raving mad?!
YES, my friends, there is plenty to look forward to to hold us over, and you can read all about it in PopcornMonster.com’s top 10 list of movies to see this summer!
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Posted on Apr 18, 2015 under Top 10 Lists, Trailers |
Written By: Brandon Engel

The United States of America has proved itself excellent at quite a few things, but one expertise that this fine nation has taken from a rude practice into a precise science is the concept of marketing and the upcoming holiday season is the perfect evidence of said mastery. The day after Thanksgiving, or Black Friday as it is colloquially known, is the official beginning of the Christmas/Holiday season and while the ideal of the holiday season involves good cheer, charity, and thankfulness, those qualities generally fade away amidst the maelstrom of bargain hunters prepared to draw blood for their favorite brands. Yet, despite the fact that the holiday season may or may not have been hijacked by consumerism, it has never faltered as a good reason to spend some quality time with one’s family. While most of the country may look at this upcoming season through White Christmas-inspired rose-colored glasses, there is a still a minority of those rebellious tradition-breakers who seek to celebrate the holidays in their own way and in that vein of thought, here’s a list of some of the best movies to watch on Black Friday for those with a slightly darker disposition.
Spoiler alert: There is no Santa Claus.
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Posted on Nov 28, 2014 under Commentary, Editorials, Top 10 Lists |
Written By: Dan Geer

The summer blockbuster season seems to have already started with Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier (which was amazing, by the way), but we still have a steady diet of highly-anticipated movies heading our way to feed every geek craving that nags at us all the way through August. Summer is just around the corner, at least when it comes to movies, just waiting for all of us to hang out with mutants, apes, giant monsters… well, just so long as it is behind the safety of the silver screen. Hit the jump to check out this year’s Top 10 Movies to See This Summer!
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Posted on Apr 18, 2014 under Top 10 Lists |
Written By: Dan Geer

This summer movie season certainly has some big shoes to fill. Last summer gave us two of the biggest blockbusters of all time with Marvel’s The Avengers and Warner Brothers’ The Dark Knight Rises, both of which raked in a killing at the box office (The Avengers made over $623 Million, and The Dark Knight Rises over $448 million) and scored big with critics and fans alike.
But while the likelihood of this summer’s most anticipated films scoring as big at the box office is probably not as high, there are sure to be quite a few just as worthy of that type of recognition, and others that are at least sure to be a lot of fun. Summer 2013 will be filled with superheroes, oversaturated muscles, giant monsters, zombies, and other geek-centric entertainment to once again provide us with at least ten great reasons to head to the cinema in the next few months. Hit the jump to check out this year’s Top 10 Movies to See This Summer!
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Posted on Apr 26, 2013 under Top 10 Lists |
Written By: Dan Geer

I don’t think I am the first person to say that it kind of feels like the summer blockbuster season has already arrived. Last month, The Hunger Games was released, and it immediately became a similar phenomenon to the best-selling book it is based on, staying #1 at the box office four weekends in a row and making ridiculous amounts of cash. John Carter also debuted in March, and, while it performed rather poorly at box office (due to an incredibly dim-witted marketing campaign), it was still a film that possessed the scale of an epic sci-fi summer blockbuster in terms of its visuals, action, and storytelling.
Nevertheless, the summer movie season has yet to begin, and we can be sure that we still have plenty of geek-tastic movies to look forward to during the hot weather. Legendary superheroes, gun-blasting mercenaries, a vampire-hunting U.S. President, alien worlds and more are all taking over the silver screen in the next few months, so believe me when I say that this is one blockbuster season you do not want to skip out on. Hit the jump to see what made this year’s Top 10 Movies to See This Summer!
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Posted on Apr 21, 2012 under Top 10 Lists, Trailers |
Source: Online Certificate Programs | Posted By: Dan Geer

Recently, PCM was notified of quite an interesting Top 10 List that was published at Online Certificate Programs regarding what they deem to be the best low-budget films of all time.
Now, this article is not in reference to cheesy B-movies made on a shoestring budget that no one cares about (although they can be good for a laugh), but rather movies that turned out to be quite well done and critically well-received, even though they cost relatively little to produce and weren’t necessarily blockbusters. Some of the most interesting films on the list include those directed by Christopher Nolan (no, it is not Memento) and David Lynch, both who started out with very little but eventually made it to the big time. Read on for an excerpt from the article!
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Posted on Apr 20, 2011 under Top 10 Lists |
Written By: Dan Geer

While last summer may have been a bit disappointing in terms of highly-anticipated geek movies, this summer looks to be the exact opposite. We’ve got cowboys, aliens, vampires, superheroes, apes, robots, wizards and a mystery monster all heading our way this time around, so there will be plenty of reason to go cool off in your local movie theater when summer finally hits. Find out which films made the Top 10 this year after the jump!
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Posted on Apr 16, 2011 under Top 10 Lists |
Source: FEARnet

FEARnet posted a great Top 10 List that I felt was worth sharing. Yesterday, they posted their Top 10 Greatest Horror Movie Music Themes list, and some great ones were included! Read on for more!
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Posted on May 11, 2010 under Miscellaneous, Top 10 Lists |