Source: Comic Book Movie | Posted By: Dan Geer
Peter Jackson’s new Middle Earth trilogy finally kicks off about a month from now with The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey on December 14th, and of course everything from trailers, to TV spots, to production photos are blasting their way online for all to see so that we can spoil ourselves silly before we even get to see the film.
However, a gallery of 150 behind-the-scenes images from the film made its way online today that fortunately doesn’t give much away in terms of how the finished film will look. There are a few pics included from the movie itself, but not much more than what has been revealed in the trailers, so you shouldn’t have too much to worry about in terms of seeing more from the film than you already have. Hit the jump for a fun look at what went on during production!
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Posted on Nov 12, 2012 under Photos |
Source: Cinemarcado | Posted By: Dan Geer
We’ve briefly seen Elijah Wood reprising his role as Frodo Baggins in the first trailer for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, but up until now, we haven’t really seen him up close in any images from the film. In a new batch of images from Cinemarcado, we finally get just that, along with some other great photos of Gandalf (Ian McKellen), as well as young Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman).
It really is amazing to see just how little Elijah Wood seems to have aged since we last saw him play Frodo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King back in 2003. He really looks almost exactly like he did in that film, which will make his return to the role all the more believable in the bookend scenes he has with old Bilbo (Ian Holm) in the films. Hit the jump to check out the photos!
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Posted on Oct 16, 2012 under Photos |
Source: Collider | Posted By: Dan Geer

Tidbits for Disney’s Oz the Great and Powerful have been scarce as of late, but things are now starting to kick into gear for The Wizard of Oz prequel, due to the film’s upcoming preview panel at San Diego Comic-Con. While we can be quite confident that a teaser trailer for the Sam Raimi-directed film will hit theaters some time in the near future, today Disney has debuted the first teaser poster for the film to hold us over until then.
Most of the time, teaser posters really aren’t anything special, but this particular one actually stands out and is quite artistic to say the least. It really gives us a good glimpse into the eye-popping fantasy world we have yet to fully experience in the film – just enough to keep us intrigued. Hit the jump to read the official synopsis of the film and to see the teaser poster in full!
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Posted on Jul 04, 2012 under Artwork, News, Photos |
Source: Tumbler Tour | Posted By: Dan Geer

For those of you not in the know, a life-size, drivable replica of “The Tumbler” Batmobile is on the road touring America right now, along with a replica of the Batpod (which apparently does not drive). Being a huge Batman fan, this is one of those things that I just can’t stop smiling about.
The Batmobile. Right in front of me. Just awesome.
Today, the Tumbler and Batpod arrived in Michigan, my home state. It has already made its way to a Walmart in Lansing, and should now be in Detroit somewhere in front of The Tigers’ Comerica Park as I type this. Hit the jump to check out pictures and video I shot (the video actually shows the Tumbler driving back into the moving truck!). [Update: All videos are now online]
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Posted on Jun 15, 2012 under Cool Videos, News, Photos |
Posted By: Dan Geer

One of the most iconic and well-renowned films in cinematic history is director F.W. Murnau’s classic 1922 German Expressionist film, Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens. While most people today probably haven’t even seen the film, images of actor Max Schreck’s portrayal of the vampire are still engrained in pop culture today. Many people I have talked to still think he is the scariest looking vampire ever put on film.
Since my wife is from Germany, she and I often make it over there to visit family and friends. So, as a fan of Nosferatu, I decided that our next trip should include a visit to Lübeck, Germany, where the film’s fictional town of “Wisborg” was brought to life. More specifically, I wanted to visit the “Salzspeicher” (salt storehouses), which are the buildings that were used to portray the vampire’s home in the film. They are still in existence today, although they are no longer used to store salt. Rather, they have since been converted to a clothing boutique, primarily consisting of women’s apparel (believe it or not). Hit the jump for more on this historic filming location for the film, as well as some of the photos I took while we were there.
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Posted on Jun 09, 2012 under Commentary, Cool Videos, Photos |
Source: FEARnet | Posted By: Dan Geer

While I never really cared for Rob Zombie‘s music, and had no real interest in seeing his movies (although, what I have seen of his remake of Halloween seemed quite good) – he has always been an interesting, and sometimes funny person to listen to, no matter what he may be talking about.
Which is why you should tune in on August 22nd to Post Mortem with Mick Garris on and On Demand (VOD) for a five-part interview with Rob Zombie where he talks about everything from his music, his movies, and even how he would love to make a Western someday (yes, a Western). The show will also premiere on FEARnet‘s cable channel on August 27th. Hit the jump for the official press release, photos, and a preview clip of the interview!
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Posted on Aug 18, 2011 under Cool Videos, News, Photos, Television |
Source: HBO | Posted By: Dan Geer

Anyone who has read comic books or loves superhero movies has thought about what it would be like to actually disguise oneself and take on a superhero persona to go out and fight crime. Most of us probably pretended to do so when we were kids (I, for one, always wanted to be Batman). Well, believe it or not, there are actually real-life “superheroes” out there who literally wear a mask or some sort of disguise to cover up their identities in order to perform heroic deeds (some actually don’t disguise themselves). Whether it’d be assisting in community service needs such as helping the homeless, or actually combating crime (either by alerting the proper authorities or fighting criminals on their own), these people actually exist.
While they aren’t exactly Batman or Spider-Man, and perhaps have delusions of grandeur, they have set out to help the world with the best intentions. HBO‘s newest documentary, appropriately titled Superheroes (premiering Monday, August 8th at 9PM), dives into the motivations of these people who feel compelled to take the law into their own hands. It features interviews with many of the so-called superheroes, as well as other commentators who give their take on the subject, including Marvel’s own Stan Lee. It really looks like it’ll be quite an amazing documentary to say the least. You can check out the official trailer, press release, photos, and an interview with Superheroes director Michael Barnett after the jump!
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Posted on Aug 07, 2011 under Documentaries, Photos, Television, Trailers |
Source: The Dark Knight Rises Facebook | Posted By: Dan Geer

The first official photo of Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle/Catwoman in Christopher Nolan‘s The Dark Knight Rises has just been released via Facebook and the film’s official website. Hit the jump to take a look at the full HD photo!
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Posted on Aug 05, 2011 under News, Photos |
Source: Yahoo! Movies | Posted By: Dan Geer

Photos of various Dwarf characters from The Hobbit films have been popping up online in the last couple of days. First, we saw the first official photo of Jed Brophy as Nori, Adam Brown as Ori and Mark Hadlow as Dori. Now, along with that photo, Yahoo! Movies has debuted a photo of John Callen as Oin and Peter Hambleton as Gloin, the father of Gimli from The Lord of the Rings trilogy. These are just a few of the dwarves that accompany young Bilbo Baggins on his epic journey across Middle Earth to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor from the dragon Smaug. You can view the photos after the jump!
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Posted on Jul 08, 2011 under Photos |
Source: Empire | | Posted By: Dan Geer

Last week, Entertainment Weekly gave us a first look at Martin Freeman as young Bilbo and Ian McKellen as Gandalf the Grey in The Hobbit films. Now, Empire has unveiled their latest magazine cover featuring Gandalf and young Bilbo, and also talks about their visit to the set a couple of months back. You can check out the cover below!
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Posted on Jun 26, 2011 under Photos |