Source: | | Posted By: Dan Geer

Star Wars_Labor Day_02

This was just too irresistible not to post today. Since it is Labor Day, photojournalist and avid Star Wars fan Stephen Hayford, who loves to make action figure dioramas, made one specifically for Labor Day and sent it to Hit the jump to check out the full photo and a bit of Hayford’s commentary on it!

Click for a larger view:

Star Wars_Labor Day_01

Stephen Hayford regarding his thought process behind the diorama:

“I always focus on Imperial troops for my Labor Day images because I believe they best represent the spirit of the holiday. No one works harder. And no one receives less respect or compensation. They work tirelessly until they expire. They don’t get a break unless they’re being transported or they’re guarding abandoned freighters (and look how that easy job worked out). The Emperor would have us believe that everything would fall to pieces if the troops weren’t on the clock. That’s why I also like to portray Imperial Labor Day festivities happening at critical moments. Moments at which having their guard down will turn the tide for their enemies. So, in this piece, Imperial troops are oblivious to the impending Ewok attack.”

Head on over to for the rest of the article and the full-sized picture!

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