Source: Total Film


A couple of weeks ago, PCM reported on the end of the 24 TV series and that it is going to lead into a movie. Well, Kiefer Sutherland has shed a little more light over at Total Film on the idea of bringing the show to the big screen not just for one movie, but for more after that! Hit the jump to read more!

Sutherland stated that the first film is already scripted and will not take place in America. He elaborated by saying:

“The film will be a two-hour representation of a 24-hour day,” he said, “so all of a sudden, the restrictions of the real-time aspect are lifted. Which is huge.

“To put it in context, in the series, every crisis had to come to us, because we couldn’t move. Who wants to see Jack Bauer sit on a plane for four hours?

“But in the format of the film, it will be very feasible to go from Eastern Europe to London in the space of 24 hours, so all of a sudden there is so much more latitude. The skies have opened up!”

Lastly, the article states that the plan is to make more than one 24 movie, which is great news for fans of the series. It has always had the potential to be a movie, and it totally makes sense that they would go for more than one. The possibilities are endless for Jack Bauer!

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